Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Trebuie sa ai incredere in primul rand in tine

Trebuie sa ai incredere in primul rand in tine ca vei castiga spornic, benefic, fara "varsare de sange" toate "razboaiele" iscate pentru iubitul partener si partenerul iubit va fi al tau intotdeauna. Surade rivalelor cu bunatate si caldura si vei invinge. Spune-le cum ai reusit tu si isi vor gasi si ele iubitii lor personali si fideli. Astfel vei avea incredere ca te vei bucura intotdeauna de fiinta si energia fidelului tau indragostit. Sa iubim continuu si neconditionat si vom muta muntii, vom invinge chiar si moartea. Fericirea o capatam cu ravna si rabdare. "Sa vedem barnele din ochii nostri" cu ajutorul celor bine intentionati si sa le eliminam. Sa avem perseverenta si rabdare in iubire, bunatate si ne vom bucura de tot ce e bun pe lumea aceasta si mai ales in cealalta.

Poliamorul unuia din cei mai bogati oameni:
Buffett married Susan Buffett (née Thompson) in 1952. They had three children, Susie, Howard and Peter. The couple began living separately in 1977, although they remained married until her death in July 2004. Their daughter, Susie, lives in Omaha and does charitable work through the Susan A. Buffett Foundation and is a national board member of Girls, Inc. In 2006, on his seventy-sixth birthday, Warren married his never-married longtime-companion, Astrid Menks, who was then 60 years old. She had lived with him since his wife's departure to San Francisco in 1977.[61] It was Susan Buffett who arranged for the two to meet before she left Omaha to pursue her singing career. All three were close and Christmas cards to friends were signed "Warren, Susie and Astrid".[62] Susan Buffett briefly discussed this relationship in an interview on the Charlie Rose Show shortly before her death, in a rare glimpse into Buffett's personal life.[63]

Friday, December 2, 2011

Fear of Commitment - Love is the Antidote - By Sandya Bruce

Eu cred ca Tainele Procreerii si Casatoriei sunt antidotul. Rugaciunea si educatia sunt antidotul la orice temeri, frici.

Fear of Commitment - Love is the Antidote
By Sandya Bruce

There was
Something special
About the two of us
The time between us
It was beautiful
And what was
Between us
It was unmistakeable
What happened
Between us
It was purposeful

I drew close
You drew close
Then one day you said
"I am not emotionally available"
I was confused
Said I must walk away
For I was not sure
If it would break my heart
Or it would mend your heart
For I knew
Only the Divine Maker
Had the answer
That moment
You asked
"Must you throw
The baby with the bath water?"
Gently, I answered
"It did not matter what the outcome
Then lets go with the flow
And see what God does"
Over the weeks
And over the months
It was blissful
It was painful
For you would draw
Closer to me
Then you would withdraw
Further from me
Yet I drew closer
And closer to you
In spite of the pain
I perceived new things
Discerned matters
Beyond my comprehension
We figured out
You were fearful
Of commitment
And I was unafraid
Of abandonment
At least we seemed
A perfect team
We both agreed
Once again
To go with the flow
No matter what
The outcome
We communicated so well
Not once did we argue
Nor brought out the worst
In one another
All the while we cared for
Each other deeply
Of course at times
We agreed
To disagree
With utmost respect
Towards one another
Through the ups
And through the downs
In every challenge
We saw-into-the other
We understood
One another
So well
It was blissful
For the first time
We experienced
What it was meant by
One weekend
We went far away
Spent more time together
And enjoyed our intimacy
To this day I would claim
That It was undoubtedly
The most wonderful time
I had in my life
It was heavenly
But it only took a week
Since our return
For you to say
Over the phone
That things were not right
And you must step out
I sensed your fear
It was tangible
I did not doubt
I understood
I had no more words
To say to you
Except "I understand"
Before I hung up
I felt the dagger
Go through me
The lump in my throat
Almost choking me
I resolved to withdraw
And give you space
The tears that gushed
You could not see
I sobbed through the night
At my Makers feet
I asked for HIS grace
To overcome
To forgive you
As if you owed me nothing
Once again you did call me
Asked me out
To discuss things
Wisdom spoke
Through my mouth
I challenged you
To sort things out
Until then
Not a hope for us
There is no
Fear in Love
The Maker says
God's perfect love
Drives away
All fear from us
I know it is true
For before you came
Into my life
I asked God
To help me love
As only He could love
You were my challenge
To prove that we could
Love passionately
And live fearlessly
Love is abandonment to self
Love is liberation of self
Love is being other centred
Love is not keeping a record
Of the wrong done
Love does not insist on its own way
Love bears all things
It always hopes
Always endures
Always forgives
Love never ends
It never fails
Real love is only possible
When you are
Christ centred
Love is
Not being afraid to love
Christ gave Himself
On The Cross of Calvary
Even when
There was no guarantee
That any one of us
Would return HIS love
I now know
That it is possible
That it is in our hands
If we so will in our hearts
To love like Christ
For His Spirit enables us
To love passionately
To live fearlessly
This is the adventure
Of love and life
The mystery of
The Christ and His Bride
Revealed in
The man and his wife
When two shall become one
Passionately committed
No matter what
Greater love has no other
Than the one who lays down
His life for the other

God's love is the antidote
To the fear of commitment

Sandya De Silva

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1243102