Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Trebuie sa ai incredere in primul rand in tine

Trebuie sa ai incredere in primul rand in tine ca vei castiga spornic, benefic, fara "varsare de sange" toate "razboaiele" iscate pentru iubitul partener si partenerul iubit va fi al tau intotdeauna. Surade rivalelor cu bunatate si caldura si vei invinge. Spune-le cum ai reusit tu si isi vor gasi si ele iubitii lor personali si fideli. Astfel vei avea incredere ca te vei bucura intotdeauna de fiinta si energia fidelului tau indragostit. Sa iubim continuu si neconditionat si vom muta muntii, vom invinge chiar si moartea. Fericirea o capatam cu ravna si rabdare. "Sa vedem barnele din ochii nostri" cu ajutorul celor bine intentionati si sa le eliminam. Sa avem perseverenta si rabdare in iubire, bunatate si ne vom bucura de tot ce e bun pe lumea aceasta si mai ales in cealalta.

Poliamorul unuia din cei mai bogati oameni:
Buffett married Susan Buffett (née Thompson) in 1952. They had three children, Susie, Howard and Peter. The couple began living separately in 1977, although they remained married until her death in July 2004. Their daughter, Susie, lives in Omaha and does charitable work through the Susan A. Buffett Foundation and is a national board member of Girls, Inc. In 2006, on his seventy-sixth birthday, Warren married his never-married longtime-companion, Astrid Menks, who was then 60 years old. She had lived with him since his wife's departure to San Francisco in 1977.[61] It was Susan Buffett who arranged for the two to meet before she left Omaha to pursue her singing career. All three were close and Christmas cards to friends were signed "Warren, Susie and Astrid".[62] Susan Buffett briefly discussed this relationship in an interview on the Charlie Rose Show shortly before her death, in a rare glimpse into Buffett's personal life.[63]

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