"Mi-a luat toata viata sa inteleg ca nu trebuie sa inteleg totul"-Rene Coty
"It has taken me all my life to understand it is not necessary to understand everything." Coty, Rene - President of France from 1954 to 1959 VS: The quote's kind of old:-) and from a politician who was not reelected:-(.
...Only 35% develop the capacity to reason formally during adolescence or adulthood. (Huitt, W. and Hummel, J. January 1998)[17]
"It has taken me all my life to understand it is not necessary to understand everything." Coty, Rene - President of France from 1954 to 1959 VS: The quote's kind of old:-) and from a politician who was not reelected:-(.
Youth activism is when the youth voice is engaged in community organizing for social change. Around the world, young people are engaged in activism as planners, researchers, teachers, evaluators, social workers, decision-makers, advocates and leading actors in the environmental movement, social justice organizations, campaigns supporting or opposing legalized abortion, and anti-racism, anti-homophobia and pro gay rights campaigns. As the central beneficiaries of public schools, youth are also advocating for student-led school change through student activism and meaningful student involvement.[1]
Dangers of Such Practices
It is easy for personality test participants to become complacent about their own personal uniqueness and instead become dependent on the description associated with them. This can be potentially dangerous with persons who are already suffering from a form of identity disorder or may be a catalyst to instigate particular behaviors in a person who was previously believed to be of sound mental health. The severity of the damage that individuals can sustain to their personal identity was made clear during the case Wilson v Johnson&Johnson in which the plaintiff (Wilson) sued his former employer (Johnson&Johnson) for irreparable damages that resulted from the over abundance of personality tests being administered in the workplace. Wilson argued that repeated questioning and scrutiny of his personality was a cause of strain and eventually breakdown. In this historic case, Wilson was awarded $4.7 million after jurors agreed that excessive testing caused strain and led to unnecessary scrutiny resulting in personal grief. Similar cases have been tried since and won, but none with such magnitude as this first monumental case that won mental health rights for employees.
The adolescent unconsciously explores questions such as "Who am I? Who do I want to be?" Like toddlers, adolescents must explore, test limits, become autonomous, and commit to an identity, or sense of self. Different roles, behaviors and ideologies must be tried out to select an identity. Role confusion and inability to choose vocation can result from a failure to achieve a sense of identity.
Early adulthood
The person must learn how to form intimate relationships, both in friendship and love. The development of this skill relies on the resolution of other stages. It may be hard to establish intimacy if one has not developed trust or a sense of identity. If this skill is not learned the alternative is alienation, isolation, a fear of commitment, and the inability to depend on others.
Generation WTF - From "What the %#$@?" to a Wise, Tenacious, and Fearless You
Christine B. Whelan
February 2011, 6 x 8 288 pages
Rather than focusing on the frustration that “WTF” usually stands for, Dr. Whelan leads the charge to reclaim the acronym as a battle cry for a positive future: Generation WTF will be a wise, tenacious, and fearless generation, strengthened by purpose and hope. This practical new guide will show these WTFers the way to success and instill lasting habits that will serve them well in both good times and bad.
Adolescents have suggested that sex education should be more positive with less emphasis on anatomy and scare tactics; it should focus on negotiation skills in sexual relationships and communication; and details of sexual health clinics should be advertised in areas that adolescents frequent (for example, school toilets, shopping centres)."[53]
In humans, mature sexual desire usually begins to appear with the onset of puberty. Sexual expression can take the form of masturbation or sex with a partner. Sexual interests among adolescents, like adults, can vary greatly. Sexual activity in general is associated with a number of risks, including sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV/AIDS) and unwanted pregnancy. This is considered particularly true for young adolescents, as adolescents' brains are not neurally mature (several brain regions in the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex and in the hypothalamus important for self control, delayed gratification, and risk analysis and appreciation are not fully mature until ages 25-30). Partially because of this, most adolescents are deemed less emotionally mature[2] and are not financially self-sufficient.
Michelle Obamas Best Relationship Secret - BV on Love
Laugh!That's right, the key to happiness and a long-lasting marriage isn't in your husband's wallet or your wife's cooking skills: It's simply getting along and making each other chuckle.
Says the Associated Press, Here's Michelle Obama's advice for couples this Valentine's Day: Laugh with your partner.
When the scans were completed, neuroscientists consistently found differences between the men's stressed-out brains and the women's. Men responded with increased blood flow to the right prefrontal cortex, responsible for "fight or flight." Women had increased blood flow to the limbic system, which is also associated with a more nurturing and friendly response.
Doctors say this information may someday lead to a screening process for mood disorders. "In the future, when physicians treat patients -- especially depression, PTSD -- they need to take this into account that really, gender matters," Dr. Wang explains.
Other experts caution that hormones, genetics and environmental factors may influence these results, bringing to light yet another difference between men and women. Neuroscientists say the changes in the brain during stress response also lasted longer in women.
STRESS-REDUCING TIPS: There are several easy, practical things people can do to reduce the amount of stress in their lives. (1) Be realistic and don't try to be perfect, or expect others to be so. (2) Don't over-schedule; cut out an activity or two when you start to feel overwhelmed. (3) Get a good night's sleep. (4) Get regular exercise to manage stress -- just not excessive or compulsive exercise -- and follow a healthy diet. (5) Learn to relax by building time into your schedule for reading or a nice long bath.
Girls hear better. The typical teenage girl has a sense of hearing seven times more acute than a teenage boy. That's why daughters so often complain that their fathers are shouting at them. Dad doesn't think he's shouting, but Dad doesn't hear his voice the way his daughter does.
Girls and boys respond to stress differently - not just in our species, but in every mammal scientists have studied. Stress enhances learning in males. The same stress impairs learning in females.
E mai periculos: http://www.bing.com/search?q=seduc+barbat+&form=QBRE3
...fertilization-driven sex creates an unsuspected problem for humanity...beyond the obvious crises of overpopulation, environmental devastation, and widespread starvation. Yet the message of this site is one of hope. Humankind possesses untapped potential for harmony and wellbeing through the medium of intimate relationships.
For centuries, even millennia, the message that great potential lies in making love gently, with frequent relaxing pauses, and without indulging our passion-trigger has bubbled up repeatedly. For example, the ancient Chinese Taoists, the earliest Christians (whom scholars label "Gnostics"), and even assorted American social pioneers beginning in the late 19th century all allude to the unmistakable benefits of controlled sexual union.
avoid orgasm during sex in favor of a less goal driven, more affectionate approach
Sex therapists will sometimes recommend that female patients take time to masturbate to orgasm, especially if they have not done so before.[17][18]
Dolly was:
“ [...] put off by PUAs at first. But after she met more, including two from San Francisco, she wrote a letter to the Village Voice defending them, in response to the paper’s negative article on the subject in March. “PUAs try to create a fun, positive, and exciting experience for the woman,” Dolly wrote. “The credo many follow is ‘Leave her better than you found her.’
This show basically shows you the things you should know, the things you didn't know, the things you can do, the things you should be aware of, and basically how to improve your sex life. It has covered pretty much everything from positions, homosexual/lesbian relationship, pregnancy, ejaculation, diseases and infections, and much more. The nudity is interesting, apart from gross bits involving cameras in the vagina, e.g. seeing a cock ejaculate, but it is still an interesting documentary series. Good!
This is something that should be seen and it was very interesting, but don't watch it for the sake of nudity and sex, watch it because it's fascinating! I would especially recommend it for couples that are in the same 'ol boring routine. Last but not least, it is done by the BBC so they don't have the damn FCC (The US's watchdogs for programming...oh yeah they suck too)
Wow this DVD opened up a new world to us, everyone thinks they know it all about sex, but we didn't know even half of these positions.
http://rapidshare.com/files/36313 9721/AdvancedsexTechniques.part3.rar
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