Madalina Manole, torturata psihic de sot Buna Ziua Iasi Marti, 20 Iulie 2010
Manipulatorii si dragostea, cine sunt ei cum sa ne ferim de ei,, de Isabelle Nazare Aga. Cititi cartea e foarte importanta pentru oricare persoana sa poata sa afle daca partenerul o manipuleaza. Manipularea conduce la o depresie foarte puternica si in final la sinucidere. Cautati-o in librarii e mare lucru sa iti dai seama cand esti manipulat de sot/sotie, sa stii sa te protejezi. De obicei acesta afiseaza in public o fata draguta dar se transforma in alt om cand nu mai e public. Te distruge incet dar sigur.
Sex and love addiction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sex and love addiction is a condition that, like many other addictive conditions, leads to the subject's repetition of specific thought or behavior patterns against the previously established intentions of the subject. ' Sexual addiction is a relatively new term that reconceptualizes issues of degree, frequency, and kind', and remains 'caught between medical, moral, and psychological definitions'
Sex addiction, romance addiction, or love/relationship addiction all are referred to by Patrick Carnes as intimacy disorders, which relate to "hijacked" stages of courtship.
To substantiate the migratory nature of addiction to deeper, core issues as the more obvious behaviours are abstained from, a common wisdom at meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous is that newcomers, in their first stages of becoming sober, may quickly gravitate towards seeking romances, relationships or sexual acting out. When a member is seen to sexually 'prey' upon a newcomer, this is known as 'Thirteenth stepping'. In programs like Sex Addicts Anonymous, intriguing with other members is explicitly forbidden and is seen to be part of the addiction; it is assumed that a newcomer is experience intense upheaval, and will seek solace from anxiety through already existing, or more deeply rooted coping mechanisms: essentially seeking a maladapted desire for connection through intrigue, sex or romance.
If a subject who has been unable to break free from a relationship wrought with abuse and pain, is able with support to separate, it is common for the subject to pursue sexual encounters or engage in compulsive sexual activity, indicating that the love addiction that appeared to hold the subject in danger or discomfort was closely tied with sexual desire. 'Love addiction, therefore, is an addiction that often becomes visible to the codependent only after some work has been done on the core symptoms of codependency'[7].
Again, if a subject is able to refrain from compulsive sexual activity, it is common for intense emotional longing to occur, marked by an intense need to love and be loved. Thus for many people, neither the term sex addiction nor the term love addiction provide a full description of the condition experienced, whereas the term sex and love addiction adequately describes the collection of related addictive thought and behavior patterns and points to the need for comprehensive treatment of the condition to experience a full recovery.
According to 'the Web site of Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous...the major organization dealing with this problem..."Addiction can take many forms, including but not limited to, a compulsive need for sex, extreme dependency on one person (or many), and/or a chronic preoccupation with romance, intrigue, and fantasy"'[8].
'There continues to be controversy over the reality and existence of sex and love addiction. The experts in the field each seem to have their own definitions'[9]. At the same time, one of the founding fathers of the movement, Stanton Peele, later regretted how ' Love and Addiction was a social commentary on how our society defines and patterns intimate relationships. But all of this social dimension has been removed, and the attention to love addiction has been channelled in the direction of regarding it as an individual, treatable psychopathology'[10].
Overlaps with the longer-term psychoanalytic exploration of '"love addicts" whom the affection or the confirmation they receive from external objects plays the same role as food in the case of food addicts'[11] - '"love addicts"...[for whom] the personality of the object is of no great importance. They need the supplies, and it does not matter who provides may be a drug or an obsesssive hobby'[12] - are largely ignored, perhaps as part of the proselytizing element in 'the phenomenon of the development of new lifestyle diseases...[built] around a new cure which the expert touts as the breakthrough which will change things forever'[13].
Nevertheless, although ' their impulse to describe etiology, diagnosis, and cure remains largely imprssionistic and confused...these attempts are taken quite seriously in some circles and continue to provide thriving models for the sexual addict'[14].
Erotomania is a type of delusion in which the affected person believes that another person, usually a stranger or famous person, is in love with him or her. The illness often occurs during psychosis, especially in patients with schizophrenia or bipolar mania.[1] In one case, erotomania was reported in a patient who had undergone surgery for a ruptured cerebral aneurysm.[2] During an erotomanic psychosis, the patient believes that a "secret admirer" is declaring his or her affection to the patient, often by special glances, signals, telepathy, or messages through the media. Usually the patient then returns the perceived affection by means of letters, phone calls, gifts, and visits to the unwitting recipient. Even though these advances are unexpected and unwanted, any denial of affection by the object of this delusional love is dismissed by the patient as a ploy to conceal the forbidden love from the rest of the world.[2]
The term erotomania is often confused with "obsessive love", obsession with unrequited love, or hypersexuality (see nymphomania). Obsessive love is not erotomania by definition.
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