Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How To Bring Up Threesomes And Swinging With Your Partner

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Top 5 Worst People To Get Relationship Advice From

Relationship advice can be great, unless it comes from the wrong person! Here’s who you DON’T want to get relationship advice from.
The world is riddled with people who are always trying to offer up relationships advice. Everybody from your friends, family and even your computer can tell you different ways to approach problems in your relationship.
If you are going through a rough patch and you’re looking for a good way to get things back on track, you are naturally going to overturn every stone in search of an answer. However, there are people that you should avoid when asking about relationship advice. Here are the top 5 people you should avoid when asking for relationship advice.

1. Your Boss

No matter how close you are, you should never ask your boss for any relationship advice. Over the course of time, you and your boss have probably had some long nights in the office together. You probably feel like you can trust them with details of your personal life.
But when you’re going through something with your girlfriend or wife, the last thing that you want to do is take advice from somebody that signs your pay check. Not only are they unqualified, they don’t really know your girlfriend or wife well enough to give you usable advice. Steer clear of your boss when you need relationship advice to keep your professional career on track.

2. Your Mom

Sure, she’s been through it all, but do you really want to ask your mom for relationship advice? Chances are that your mom is going to take your side on every issue and refuse to give you a balanced opinion on the subjects that you’re having issues with. Your mother should be the one that tells you everything is going to be all right, not how to patch things up after fighting with your girlfriend. Avoid your mother no matter how much she tries to pry things out of you.

3. Internet Forums

Internet forums are the worst places to get advice on relationships. No, I’m not talking about a Dear Abby article; I’m talking about places like Yahoo Answers and Wiki Answers. These places are filled with people that will not take your questions seriously. They might even offer bad advice because they think that it’s funny. They also don’t know your wife or girlfriend so they can make snap judgments without knowing all of the facts. Resist posting your questions on Internet forums or Craigslist for any kind of solid relationship advice.

4. TV/Movies

Everybody wants to believe that they have a relationship comparable to that on TV or in a movie. But one of the worst things that you can do is take relationship advice from a TV show or a movie. The reason that the advice they give works out in the end is because of a little thing called a script. The two were supposed to be together in the end for a happy ending. Life doesn’t always work out that way. Don’t take your relationship advice from a procedural or you may find yourself alone in the end.

5. Your Womanizing Friend

Every guy out there has a womanizing friend. He probably picks up girls at every bard or nightclub in the city. He has a silver tongue and he always knows what to say to get a girl’s attention. The problem with the womanizing friend is that he knows little about relationships and more about seduction.
Furthermore, he’s not going to be able to give you solid advice on your relationship because he exists in a different world than you do. He dates a lot of women and doesn’t have a stable relationship. If he were in your shoes, he would break up with her and be done with it. Don’t ever get relationship advice from a player because they will always tell you to break up.
Getting good relationship advice is essential to living a happy and healthy life. If you really do love your girlfriend or wife then you are going to want to make them happy also. If you are in a pinch, consider seeing a marital or relationship counselor. There are hundreds of relationship counselors  in every city that have extensive knowledge of the most common problems that every couple goes through.
If the issues aren’t big enough to enlist the help of a counselor in your area, consult your local bookstore’s relationship section. This should offer you a wide variety of books on how to improve communication, your sex life and understanding her needs. Remember that problems in the relationship are rarely one sided, so get some perspective and try to understand the problem from both ends.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Telepatia in cuplu


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Web Search results for "telepatia in cuplu"

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Congresul National de Psihologie Sibiu 2008 unde am participat cu cercetarea " Studiul privind telepatia in cuplu". Congresul International de Psihologie Sibiu ...
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Apollo 14 si telepatia Istoria navetei Apollo 14 legata de telepatie, constituie inca un ... De exemplu, un cuplu care se intelege de minune. Cum putem explica faptul, ca ...
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30 Sept 2009 ... Ai dreptate, daca e vorba de o aventura de-o noapte sau de un cuplu in care viata sexuala inseamna...masturbare. Intr-o relatie serioasa, ei vor ...
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9 Dec 2010 ... Acestea pot face terapie la distanta asemanator cu telepatia. ... Relaţia de Cuplu şi Caracterul Oamenilorby 2012xDecx2117888 views · Armele ...
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Motto: Daca tu, Omule, iubesti doar pe Fiinta care Te iubeste, ce rasplata astepti? CUVANT INAINTE. Intitulat “Telepatia Sufletelor. Armonia Cuplului”, Cursul va ...
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14 Sept 2011 ... Comunicarea in cuplu are multe reguli si instructiuni, insa uneori evitarea ... O relatie reusita si fericita are multe avantaje, dar telepatia nu se ...
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Pe acest site o sa gasesti telepatia in comunicare. telepatia,in,comunicare, ... O buna intelegere a celui de langa noi este primul pas catre relatii de cuplu mai ... 
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Web Search results for "telepathy in couple"

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Best Answer: This kind of question will always have mixed opinions, but not everyone who actually experience it, talk about it. My own personal experiences ...
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In Tony Vigorito's novel, Just a Couple of Days, telepathy emerges across the entire human species as a result of the Pied Piper Virus, which inadvertently eliminates ...
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May 25, 2008 ... A topic that has not been discussed is the hyper-attunement between couples that leads them to feel almost telepathically connected. When it's ...
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Psychic connections between partners. John Agno’s post on Shared Thinking is fascinating on the blog carnival today! The research discussed there is mainly about ...
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Sep 28, 2010 ... Biorhythmic Synchronization Generates Telepathy in Couples. It's True! Couples Share a 6th Sense. The Times of India September 28, 2010 ...
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For telepathy to work there needs to be two participants, a receiver and a sender. ... My husband and I, as many couples who have established strong relationships ...
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Jan 16, 2009 ... Many people claim to have some degree of telepathy. ... The first example is of a couple that we had become very good friends with and were ...
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Telepathy Question: Is telepathy possible in love? Yes sometimes when a relationship is made in Heaven the couple becomes so close that they actually can think what ... 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Atractia sexuala si iubirea – diferente si asemanari

inevitabil, organismul isi termina resursele si, dupa o perioada de cateva saptamani, pana la MAXIM un an, revine la starea normala.
Si atunci se poate face evaluarea, iar aceasta este proba de care trebuie sa treaca orice relatie pentru a putea vorbi despre o relatie pe termen lung intre un barbat si o femeie.


exista un ciclu de indragostire care dureaza 4 ani si ca desi oamenii se chinuie sa intretina relatii monogame de lunga durata, cercetarile arata ca cele mai multe divorturi se inregistreaza in al- 4 –lea an de casnicie.
Pe langa asta, Helen Fisher spune ca avem creierul setat pe 3 directii cand vine vorba de iubire. Un anumit set de emotii care duce la atasament, alt set care duce la romantism si alt set care duce la sex. Fiecare din aceste 3 grupuri are emotiile specifice si in iubire actioneaza de cele mai multe ori amestecate.
Toate bune si frumoase pana aici.
Insa acum abia incepe partea interesanta.
Concluziile acestor cercetari foarte interesante si bine documentate se termina cu ideea ca totusi, componentele chimice si emotionale ale iubirii care dureaza mult timp, pe viata chiar, raman inca un mister.
Emotiile atractiei sexuale sunt intr-adevar substante chimice care pleaca din creier. In momentul in care o persoana simte o puternica atractie sexuala, la nivel fiziologic se petrec anumite schimbari majore.
Creste nivelul anumitor substante chimice care sunt defapt emotii, si rezultatele sunt:
-ritm crescut al batailor inimii,
-lipsa poftei de mancare,
-creste sensibilitatea la toate cele 5 simturi(vaz, auz, miros, gust si simtul tactil),
-stari dese de euforie (fericire).
Apoi, inevitabil, organismul isi termina resursele si, dupa o perioada de cateva saptamani, pana la MAXIM un an, revine la starea normala.
Si atunci se poate face evaluarea, iar aceasta este proba de care trebuie sa treaca orice relatie pentru a putea vorbi despre o relatie pe termen lung intre un barbat si o femeie.
In acest termen, majoritatea oamenilor cad in capcana. Din cauza acestor emotii transformatoare, oamenii cred ca si-au descoperit jumatatea, iau decizii bazate pe aceste emotii trecatoare, se casatoresc , fac copii iar emotiile se dilueaza si dispar.
Inca din 1820, filozoful Arthur Schopenhauer si-a dat seama ce este defapt atractia sexuala cu biologia, comportamentele si problemele care rezulta de aici:
“Dragostea(a se citii „atractia sexuala”) este vicleşugul întrebuinţat de natură pentru a-şi atinge scopul, care nu este, în realitate, decât crearea unei fiinţe noi.
Îndată ce voinţa speciei este satisfăcută, ea dispare şi, plăcerea individului risipindu-se, îl readuce la cruda realitate. De aceea, însuşi Eros este înfăţişat legat la ochi.” Arthur Schopenhauer
Majoritatea casniciilor sfarsesc prin divort in al 4 lea an, spun cercetarile. Asta pentru ca, in opinia mea, dupa cele cateva luni , maxim 18, desi emotiile dispar, cuplul se straduieste sa faca relatia sa mearga. Daca apare si un copil, eforturile sunt de inteles.
Dar pentru ca oamenii isi bazeaza intreg viitorul doar pe niste trairi care dispar rapid in timp, din cauza ignorantei de multe ori, relatii sfarsesc prost iar oamenii se intreaba ce nu e in regula, cu ei, cu lumea, cu viata si cu iubirea.
Acum lucrurile se schimba, iar educatia pe aceasta tema trebuie sa devina o prioritate , pentru ca asa cum spune un prieten al meu, Bogdan, nimeni nu s-a nascut invatat, insa ai tot mai putine scuze sa mori prost.
Asadar, sa stii despre atractia sexuala, este un bun inceput, necesar, insa deloc suficient.
Urmatorul pas este sa inveti cum sa creezi TU aceasta super emotie in persoanele de sex opus si sa le faci sa fie atrase de tine.
Cateva observatii de bun simt, ne spun ca preferam mai degraba :
-o persoana care are incredere in fortele ei , decat una care e tot timpul in depresie si necajita
-o persoana care emana emotii pozitive si distractie in jur, nu emotii negative
-o persoana care face sport mai degraba decat una care se neglijeaza
-o persoana care este apreciata si respectata de cei din jur mai degraba decat gasca grupului.